
This is a breif description of what I am doing to setup this site.

It was decided after some discussion with a friend; who has helped a lot with the more technical aspects of this stuff; to go with hogo at the platform to setup my websites. Hugo uses the go programming language as a base to build the web framework that hosts the site.

From my understanding hugo is both the markdown interpreter and the host server for the contnet. Markdown is a simple way to write flat text files with a little syntax the is interpreted into HTML.

After some searching I settled on the Icarus theme; you can view a lot ofthemes for hugo on themes page. This is a bit of a rabbit hole and you can lose a few hours searching for the “perfect” theme (perfect is the enemy of good); however the themes are fairly customisable; if you know how you can make your own one from scratch.

I will be modifying this site over time to reflect my growing knowledge of how the background parts work and also when I have the time to mess with things.

Initially I was going to remove all the test posts and examples that were on this example site from the theme; but I decided against it. The information is interesting; and that is enough for me to keep it here. This info is available elsewhere but it doesn’t hurt beign there.
